Why not consider using WordPress.

Why not consider using WordPress.

Why not consider using WordPress – that is what we are discussing today. Thanks for reading this blog article and we hope you enjoy it. First off, i4 Web Services is full service web services agency without the typical outlandish web design or marketing agency prices. We use WordPress as our website solution for all our clients these days. But it was not always like that – for many years we did coding and other technical stuff from scratch which was good but it limited the client from getting involved with his or her website.

Why consider using WordPressAs like most Web Marketing companies, we offer a wide variety of web services from web development, SEO, web hosting, SSL Certificates, domains, web design, social media marketing, web videos, video editing, infographics, and online business listings on search engines. Which is critical to have built in correctly to your website’s brand presence.

Our clients wanted to see first hand the results we were creating for their business online. So we stepped into WordPress and have not looked back since. Why? Because we want to be totally transparent in our efforts plus we want to show our clients we literally have nothing to hide. Therefore, WordPress was the best platform to help us achieve such a high level of trust with our clients.   

Now from creating a logo to content writing – all this can be uploaded to WordPress for the client to review and download if necessary. We found that not only could we can handle it for clients but it improved our ability to work with clients that were far away from our storefront location. Plus, this tool also allowed us to handle web projects big, medium, and small.

WordPress Helps Solve Problems – Why Not Consider Using WordPress

We believe in solving real problems and we have found that WordPress can give us almost any solution a client requests. By educating our clients about how to approach WordPress for any tool they can think of – it allows us to deliver what they need. Granted some solutions are not free but we have shared the pricing with them and chatted about the other options available.
Why not consider using WordPress?WordPress keeps everyone on the same page when it comes to capabilities of a plugin tool. We have found that by including a web project client in the conversation helps us to determine which plugin tool on WordPress fits their needs.
WordPress is great for online marketing, we can ensure that they make the right technological decisions for this too. From tracking tools for visitors length of the visit, database information collection when complete a contact form, what they clicked  and how many visitors clicked on the same item on a page, to where online referred them to the website. This information matters to us and as well as our clients.  Clients appreciate the fact that everything we do revolves around the singular focus of boosting their bottom line. And this information helps to know what advertising and marketing is working the best and what ones are not really working well.
Therefore WordPress allows us to be avid lean methodology practitioners, we continually measure and learn from the work we do, allowing us to iterate fast towards our end goals. Add in a dash of transparency, a pinch of consistency, and a touch of creative awesomeness and you have our business formula in a nutshell.
Why not consider using WordPress. Answers from i4 Web Services

What is the secret sauce in WordPress: People

Of course, a web project is only as good as the people working on it. That’s why we strive to fill our ranks with the coolest, nicest, and friendliest people we can find that have an eye for detail and a quality finished product. And yes, WordPress ensures that we can build something amazing for our clients. By having numerous people capable of working on a WordPress website project, we open doors for creative conversation that far exceed our clients original requests.
Our office provides a great atmosphere to help nurture collaboration, inspiration, focus, and creativity by allowing numerous creatives to be able to login to the WordPress platform builds morale. Our team thrives on this and our clients love being able to see who is or has worked on the web project via WordPress – thus it allows everyone involved to have a good meaningful discussion. Our client relationships are built on honesty, trust, and mutual understanding. And with our quick response time via phone, email or even text message, we continually seek to learn, teach, and understand our clients in an effort to stay ahead of the curve.
Why WordPress helps makes us different: Honesty and Service – Why not consider using WordPress.
This web development tool truly redefined our business ethos starting at the very core of our company and the way we interact with our clients. We believe in our ability to continually innovate and deliver value to our clients, which many WordPress themes help us deliver to our broad range of clients.
If we didn’t do our job, our clients would see it via the WordPress platform and they would quickly leave us. That’s why we really put our money where our mouth is and share the backend of the website with our clients. With this unique approach to customer service, at the end of each day we know we’ve delivered quantifiable and measurable value to our clients because of WordPress.
Web Design By i4 Web Services

WordPress is good for SEO purposes and advanced website development solutions too.

But WordPress is not for everyone –  here are three things that can stop clients from feeling attracted to you!

A Content Management System That Is Complicated. Yup, WordPress has too many choices sometimes. And sometimes, it is too advanced for a client.  If your content management system (CMS) is too complicated for anyone to use and learn. This can result in less frequent updates, lower SEO rankings, and the client’s having a negative overall website experience.

So picking the right plugin for the client is critical. If you are trying to do it solo or maybe as a way to save money by not hiring a web developer or web designer – be careful. If it’s a constant struggle for you or your team to work with the CMS plugin, it might be time to make a switch to something easier or invest in someone that really knows how to work it correctly.  

So what is a CMS?   WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS for short).

If you are an experienced user of WordPress (WP) and want to setup a non-blog website – perhaps a portfolio site, news/magazine site or even an e-commerce site – you might just want to skip the more robust content management systems (CMS) most people tend to suggest, a specific plugin like Woo-Commerce or connecting Shopify to your website, and consider using WordPress for your CMS-oriented task instead.

i4 Web ServicesWhy? Because…It Can Be Done Quite Easily Too  If you were avoiding WordPress for your news or portfolio site because you thought WordPress could only be used as a blogging platform, think again. You would be surprised at the multitude of ways WordPress can be used as a CMS, and how easily you can customize it to do your bidding.

As mentioned earlier there is a huge repository of  available WordPress plugins already ensures that your job is half done. But you will need to set time aside to learn the software plugin and what its limits are. Then set more time aside to find one that meets all your requirements. The real question is do you have time in your regular business day to do this?

Knowing when to Enable or Disable Plugin Updates on WordPress and why. Cool so maybe you are familiar with WordPress already. That’s great yet this is probably the number 1 reason why anyone would want to hire an expert. WordPress does updates that plugins need to improve towards. Some plugins don’t bother to do that while others have been abandoned entirely. You would not notice this until after your finished updating everything and you see your website is no longer functioning correctly. This is when you may want to have a web services company on call to help you out. Maybe one like i4 Web Services?  🙂

Just remember that the main purpose of any website is to inform and engage future clients at all hours of the day. But if customers can’t find the information because of a broken plugin, they’re only going to leave your site angry and frustrated.

This is a big cause of decreases in future sales. Why because an automated plugin update can happen while you are sleeping. Or worse yet, it can happen and you don’t check in to WordPress daily so you miss it. 

Thus, if your visits to your homepage decreases, so will your SEO ranking as well. You may want review if it is better to have a company like i4 Web Services step in to help you.  Well we hope you have enjoyed reading about this topic – Why not consider using WordPress. We may do a follow blog article about in the future – so consider following us on Facebook.  Thanks for reading this article and if you want to call us to schedule a free consultation – feel free! Our telephone is 407-416-1515!

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